Upon learning that it would be just us girls for dinner tonight, I convinced my mom to join us for dinner. Being cranky for a variety of reasons, including having to purchase a new refrigerator and having a difficult, contentious day at work, I wasn't up for choosing our dining location. My mom chose the local Mexican joint down the road from their home. As soon as we arrived, Susie announced that she needed to use the potty. So, she and I marched off to the disgusting potty. You know the kind . . . urine still in the pot and on the toilet seat, paper strewn about the floor and that something icky kind of smell. I disinfected everything that Susie might touch, and then let her get on to do her business. When she finished we washed hands and headed out the door.
We got into the booth and I notice a not-so-pleasant smell. I looked at Susie and thought, great, I let her get potty funk on her. Or, worse, she had a "little extra" and went in her panties. As I'm trying to figure out what to do, Susie loudly said, "I smell potty!" I told her that yeah, I did too and continued with my physical inspection of her being and my thoughts on what to do. Then . . .*sniff, sniff* . . . I caught another whiff of the smell. . . . *sniff, sniff* . . . Wait a minute! That's not POTTY we smell . . . It's the fish from the next table over!!!
Yummm. I hope they enjoyed their potty fish.
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